
Employees who undertake professional development and training activities report greater satisfaction with their jobs. They say they feel more engaged, more motivated, and empowered to make a positive difference in their workplaces. They discover ways to make their work faster, better, and more interesting, and they acquire new skills that can advance their careers.

To encourage A&S staff members to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities, in 2011 the Dean’s Office created the STAR program. STAR provides staff members a way to track their professional development and continuing education activities.

Program Structure

Through surveys and the work of the STAR committee, the College identified two groups of staff who were interested in STAR:

Group 1 — Professional Enlightenment: This category consists mostly of staff who are interested in STAR for its immediate benefits and as a way to become more well-rounded individuals.

Group 2 — Professional Development: This category is generally made up of staff who would like to use STAR as a way to expand their resumes and eventually use these skills for promotion into other positions.

The STAR program as it now exists was designed to take both groups into account, as well as provide clear incentives for participation. And because the idea of professional development and the offered rewards may not appeal to everyone, STAR participation is not, and never has been, required.