How to Effectively Support Multiple Bosses

Woods Hall 115

In this webinar, you’ll learn to prioritize multiple projects, effectively communicate your other obligations, and do it all while making sure nobody’s feeling slighted, neglected, or left out of the loop. 1 STAR hour. Register for this webinar

How to Format Tables, Charts, and Columns in Microsoft Word

Woods Hall 115

If you’re tired of fighting with Word to format your documents, this session is for you. This skill-building session will make it easy to create and format tables, charts, and columns with no frustration and without wasting valuable time. 1 STAR hour. Register for this webinar

Picture Yourself in Students’ Shoes

For students with disabilities, online resources remove many of the physical and social barriers to education, such as navigating facilities that aren't physically accessible, or coping with social anxiety or OCD. Just think about the tasks that an average student can do online: Register for classes Pay tuition View class materials distributed electronically Get feedback on assignments electronically Browse the course catalog Watch videos for class, including lectures Reserve a common room for an event Request and renew library books Request [...]

How People with Disabilities Access Digital Content (Webinar)

Gain a fuller appreciation of technology accessibility by exploring technologies and methods people with disabilities use to access websites, documents, audio, video, and other digital content. Registration is requested but not required.

Introduction to Web Accessibility (Webinar)

Learn about laws and standards regarding accessibility in higher education, the University’s web accessibility guidelines, common accessibility challenges and solutions, and resources and strategies for creating accessible documents, images, audio, video, and web content. Registration is requested but not required.