In- and Out-Processing of Faculty and Staff

Bureau of Mines 121 (eTech conference room)

This workshop will cover the steps of setting up new employee access and email and requesting iPads and other technology. We will also cover what information is needed for eTech to outprocess a resigning or retiring faculty or staff member. 1 STAR hour. Register for this workshop.

Handling Confrontational Customers

Bureau of Mines 121 (eTech conference room)

Customer service is one of the most demanding jobs on the planet. You have to be respectful, professional, and helpful, no matter what the situation or who you’re dealing with. Sure, that’s easy when you’re handling the dream customer — you know, someone who is polite, reasonable, and willing to listen. Instead, you often find yourself having to handle the opposite: customers who are rude, confrontational, even bordering on abusive! Dealing with irate customers causes stress and customer service burnout! [...]

Purchasing, Disposing, and Reporting Technology Equipment

Bureau of Mines 121 (eTech conference room)

This workshop is open to all A&S staff. In this workshop, you will learn the College of Arts and Sciences policy and procedures on purchasing, disposing, and reporting lost or stolen technology equipment. You will find out the offices who can help with problems on technology equipment that are used by faculty and staff for work, teaching, and research.  You will also learn whom to contact if you have any questions related to technology equipment. 1 STAR hour. Register for [...]

Stress-Free Relationships: How to Work with Any Personality

Bureau of Mines 121 (eTech conference room)

If you were asked to think of a coworker who gets on your nerves, you probably wouldn’t have to think for very long. Working with people has its benefits but coworkers with bad attitudes or unusual personality quirks can put a damper on collaboration, productivity and make a day at the office a miserable experience. “Stress-Free Relationships: How to Work with Any Personality” is a course that is a necessity for anyone who has to work with difficult people. You’ll [...]

Staying Focused and Productive in a Continually Connected World

Bureau of Mines 121 (eTech conference room)

Technology has blurred the lines between our work and private lives. It’s become common to get and answer email from clients or vendors while you’re away from the office. It’s also common to get texts and tweets from friends during the workday. If we choose to, we can be connected to both worlds 24/7. But 24-hour connectivity comes with a price — an inability to completely focus on either aspect of our lives. For many people, being connected is the [...]

Practicing Inclusive Engagement (PIE) Workshop

Ferguson Center, Room 3104

The Practicing Inclusive Engagement (P.I.E.) workshops are interactive experiences developed and facilitated by UA Crossroads to build skills for intercultural engagement and to foster a more inclusive campus community at UA. The interactive experiences focus on concepts of identity, practicing inclusive language, and creative ways to ask questions that invite and engage diverse perspectives. Tuesday, June 20th, from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Ferguson Center, room 3104

Concur Training

The Office of Procurement Services is pleased to introduce Concur. Concur is a web-based travel and expense management system that will replace our current paper-based processes for P-Card reconciliation, travel expense reports, invoice payment requests, and more. How to Train Training for Concur will be conducted online through an interactive e-learning course available through SkillPort. Users must complete the course to gain access to Concur, but it may also be consulted later on if you need a refresher. Please complete the course by [...]

Harbor Training

Ferguson Center, Room 3104

The purpose of Harbor is to create safe places all over campus where victims of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking can go to receive assistance. Through the training, participants will gain insight and sensitivity to the issues of interpersonal violence. Further, participants will be made aware of the resources available to victims in order to provide information to those in need. Tuesday, July 25th, from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Ferguson Center, room 3104

Safe Zone Ally Training

Ferguson Center, Room 3519

The Safe Zone Ally Training Program is a three-hour training session that will allow participants to: develop a working knowledge of appropriate and respectful LGBTQA+ terminology; recognize the impact that a negative campus climate has on individuals who identify as LGBTQA+; and identify areas of personal growth as a member of the UA community. Following the training program, participants are invited to sign-up to serve as UA Safe Zone Allies. Register for Safe Zone Ally Training